Ages: K-Grade 3
- What was Queen Victoria's desire?
- What made her afraid to go swimming in public?
- What was Prince Albert's first solution/idea? Why was it a bad idea?
- What did he end up making for her instead? How did it work?
- How did Queen Victoria respond to this new invention?
- What do you think of the bathing machine? Is it something you would like to use or wish was still around? Or, do you think the idea is crazy?
- How have swimsuit styles over the years changed the way we swim? What do you like most/least about today's swimsuit? Would you prefer to wear a swimsuit from the past? Why?
- What do we find out about Price Albert in this book? What do you think of Queen Victoria's relationship with her husband, Prince Albert? Are they sad/happy together? How many children did they have? What kind of family do you think they were based on the clues in this book? Would you have liked to have been a part of this family? Why?
- Have the child find words in the book that he/she is unfamiliar with and list them on a separate sheet or in their vocabulary notebook. Look up their definitions. Once the child understands the meaning of these new words, have them put those words into a sentence.
- Gather more information on Queen Victoria. Create a quiz on the key periods of her life. Put together a clothespin (or other type) timeline.
- Print out a family tree of Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and their children. Have the child color out their own family tree.
- Collect pictures and information about swimsuits from ancient Greece/Rome to today's modern suit. Talk about the history of the swimsuit. Have the child design and color their own swimsuit (on paper) and have them tell you what makes it special. Ask them to be creative.
- Explore the Victorian Era and note the differences for children back then from children of today.
- Have a Victorian Tea Party
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